
Huge fan!

Go More Places in TOMS

TOMS Shoes has done it again, another incredibly cute style of shoes is out!  Ever since I heard about TOMS I have been a huge fan of their shoes and what they stand for.  I love that for every pair of shoes I purchase a pair is given to someone in need, such a neat idea.

10…well 10 1/2 months

The Past Couple of Months

Here is a little of what we have been up to these past couple of months.

To kick off Thanksgiving Day we participated in the Turkey Trot in Oshkosh with a group of friends.  It was a little chilly but a great way to build up our appetite for the yummy Thanksgiving meal.

On the hunt for Jack’s 1st Christmas tree.

Jack had so much fun watching Dad and Grandpa M. cut down the tree.  I can’t believe we fit it through the door!

In the Ripon’s ‘Dickens of a Christmas’ Living Window with buddy Aubrey!

Finger painting Christmas gifts and loving every minute!

Christmas with friends in Wisconsin Dells

Welcome home Uncle Evan!  Waiting at the airport for him to arrive.

Reading ‘The Night Before Christmas’ in Jack’s new Christmas pj’s from Grandma and Grandpa K.!


Jack’s rocking horse from Grandpa and Grandma K.  My dad made this for me when I was Jack’s age and I hope it is something that will be passed down from generation to generation!


Happy Birthday Uncle Evan

New Year New Goal(s)

Some time last year I read in a book that when setting goals for yourself it is a good idea to share them with as many people as you can, that way the more people who know what you are working toward the more to motivate and support you.  So here it goes.

At the beginning of every year I like to think a little about things I might like to do more of, try or even improve on.  I have a few things in mind already for this year and I’m sure more will come to me as the year goes on.  The first one being my blog.  The past couple of months I have done very little posting of things happening in ‘my life‘ and this year I hope to be more on top of that, to be a little more specific I’ll shoot for a couple of posts each week.  Another goal I have for myself is to do more reading.  I love to read, I think it is a great way to relax and a good change from TV.  For Christmas I got a number of books that I’m very interested in reading and I think they will be a fantastic start.  For my third goal I would like to get into better shape, not as a way to lose weight but to be more healthy.  Any weight that does come off though will be an extra bonus!  As my last goal I actually got the idea from a commercial.  In the commercial a parent is writing e-mails to their child, sometimes just a quick hello, pictures from a trip or holiday, or a note about the latest thing the child had done.  I loved this idea and would like to start something like this for Jack.

For now I think this is a good start and these are things that I hope I can continue throughout the year.  Wish me luck!

8 months

Making a cute silhouette

One of my favorite places to go online for DIY project ideas is Young House Love.  They have so many fun ideas for projects around the house and have inspired me with so many of the things we have done in our house.  I have also gotten some really neat baby project ideas to do with Jack.  The most recent thing I have done is a silhouette of Jack.  I had a lot of fun making this and it was an incredibly cheap thing to do.

  Instead of purchasing a new frame I went to a thrift store in town and picked out a frame for very cheap, about $2.00.

First thing I did was take a picture of Jack’s profile which was pretty simple to do once I figured out it was easier to take while he was laying down.

After printing the picture I cut that out and traced it onto black scrapbook paper, which I already had so no cost there.

I cut out the silhouette and pasted it on another piece of white scrapbook paper.  I then painted the frame with the same green paint from our kitchen, we already had pleanty of paint left from that project so again, no cost.  I did some some pencil shading around the silhouette to add a border.

And now the finished project at basically the total of $2.oo, talk about a sweet low-cost project!

Jack and I had a lot of fun taking his 7 month old pictures.  Now that he is moving around so much more now it was a little more tricky to get a picture of him sitting still, looking at the camera and without his hand or foot in his mouth.  Even though most of the pictures I got were with his hand or foot in his mouth or him checking out his sweet robot pj’s they turned out really cute.  You’re getting so big buddy!

     Pointing out his favorite robot.

Hand in the mouth.

Going for the feet.

Ahh there we go!  Great smile ‘lil man.

Time for a haircut?!?!


This week has been absolutely beautiful and we are certainly taking advantage of it because I know it won’t last and winter will be here before we know it.  So we have been spending lots of time outside decorating for fall, going for walks and just sitting outside.   

This past weekend we took Jack to pick out his first pumpkin.  We were so excited and were planning on taking a bunch of fun pictures with him.  Jack was apparently very tired because he slept through the whole thing.  So we didn’t get any action shots, but after we set up everything at our house I had a lot of fun taking his picture and I think he was pretty excited about his pumpkins! 


Way to go Brew Crew!

To celebrate my mother-in-law’s retirement we headed down to Milwaukee last Friday to cheer on the Brewers.  We had so much fun and it was a memorable night.  It was Jack’s first Brewers game and he loved every moment.  I think he made it to the 7th inning or so and then he was out for the rest of the game.  To top it off the Brewers won the game which meant they are going to the playoffs.  What a memorable night and such a great experience to share with Jack.